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С зеркалом у букмекера все достаточно без усилий: вам стоит только набрать в браузере официальный адрес сайта равным образом немного подождать.
The player's winnings have disappeared without further explanation. The player later sent us an email confirming that the issue was resolved.
The player from North Rhine-Westphalia submitted a withdrawal request less than two weeks prior to contacting us. Winnings haven’t been obtained up to this day. The player later confirmed that the withdrawal was processed successfully, therefore we marked this complaint as resolved.
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The player from Switzerland is experiencing difficulties withdrawing her winnings due to ongoing verification. Player’s complaint has been resolved successfully.
The player from Italy, after accumulating a total balance of 16,000€, had his withdrawal request denied due to additional account verification requirements, despite his account having been verified multiple times already.
That being said, there are casinos, which pose quite restrictive limitations on the win and withdrawal amounts. This is the reason why we consider these limitations in our casino reviews. You can find information about the casino's win and withdrawal limits in the table below.
Her account was suspended with her money stuck inside. After a series of exchanges between the player, the casino, and the Complaints Team, the casino had clarified that the player's account was verified and she could continue playing and withdraw her winnings. The player confirmed that the issue had been resolved and thanked the team for their assistance. We had then closed this complaint as 'resolved'.
The player from Latvia deposited money to the casino two days ago, but it has yet to be reflected in their game account or returned to their bank account.
We had facilitated communication between this url the player and the casino. After some delay, the casino had reopened the player's account and restored the balance. The player confirmed they had successfully received all their money back. The issue had been resolved satisfactorily.
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The player from Portugal has requested a withdrawal prior to submitting this complaint. Unfortunately, their winnings haven’t been received yet. The player later confirmed that the issue was resolved.
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